USA Made Store
Only in America
DIRECTORY: 3000 + USA Manufacturers listed | USA Made STORE>>

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USA Made Store was created to help USA manufacturers promote their products, and OUR MISSION is to help people find reliable 100% USA Made products.

NEW Products are being added to our store Every Day - GO SHOPPING >>>

Allison Neiss Pottery, NC: Collection of handmade ceramics made of stoneware clay, perfect for your home or as Unique Gifts. Buy Here>>
Vermont Teddy Bears, VT: New Partner - Home to an extraordinary variety of Guaranteed for Life Teddy Bears and Stuffed Animals - Mittens
Eagle Tool US: New Partner - Drill Bits for Electricians and Professional Trades
Unbleached Apparel: New Partner - Grown, knit, cut and sewn in the USA. T-Shirts>>
- Long Sleeve Shirts>> Pants>> - Shorts>>
- Socks>> Kid's Tee>> - Organic Baby Snappie>>
Maui Pineappe Store, HI: Pineappe products from Hawaii - Pineapples and Snack - Jelly and Jams - BBQ Sauce - All Products>>
Made in Michigan: NEW - Organic Tea - Decor Wreaths - Wind Chimes - Maple Sugared Nuts - Maple Syrup - Wine and Bourbon Bottle Stoppers

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Change Your Buying Habits

"Is there a better time to change your Buying Habits? Choose American Made Products Where Quality is Required*. What you may find is the price could be less and the workmanship better."
*Quote from Robin Corkins

We here at USA Made are promoting USA Made Products, and profiling the Companies that makes them. You may search our site for USA Made products by using the navigation bar above. For each of the categories we made a profile about one company, please read their stories.

In the mid-1980s, nearly 75% of apparel worn in America was made in the United States. Unfortunately, today it's less than 3%. The apparel industry is just one example of how US manufacturing has been decimated. We are supporting the companies determined to reverse that trend. They're building iconic American brands that are truly American-made and sets the standard for high quality ‘Made in USA’ merchandise. They are brands that celebrates America!

How exactly does buying American help, though?
What are some of the reasons why I should buy American-Made products? These are some common questions among those who are looking to do their part, and in this article, we have listed 10 reasons why you should change your buying habits and buy American-Made products.

Sad News from SOM Footwear - "SOM Footwear and its relocatable shoe factory are for sale. We have recently stopped production and will sell online the inventory until the supply lasts. We will honor the affiliate program when the inventory is sold. If you know anyone interested in pursuing the American-made dream, send them our way, and we will introduce them to our broker. We appreciate your devotion to American-made and thank you for working with us."
Contact SOM at their website if you are interested or know of any that would like to buy this company factory.

us made clothes
This photo is from AMERICAN GIANT and here is what they have to say:
Maybe, like us, you’ve looked around and not liked what you’ve seen. Mega-corporations, obsessed with handing profits over to shareholders, grow bigger and bigger, churning out cheap stuff that leaves us all feeling empty. Meanwhile, working people are left behind. Communities hollow out. And junkyards fill with all that stuff. Maybe, like us, you’ve wondered if there is a better way. If you can do something to make things better. And where you might start.
Directory for Clothing.

American Giant Men's USA Made Store>>>
American Giant Women's USA Made Store>>>
Jeans and Denim
usa made jeans
This photo is from Jeans company TELLASON.
The founders Patella and Pete Searson have been like-minded friends since 1990. Their love for durable goods, their respect for where they came from and who made them is found in their brand. "We are 100% committed to the city of San Francisco and will make our jeans here and only here, forever. This place is the home of blue jean culture as we know it and moving production somewhere else to save a couple of bucks just won't happen.
Directory for Jeans and Denim.

USA Made Store - Jeans for Women>>>
Jeans for Men>>>

American made shoes and footwear
This photo is from Carolina Boot Makers.
With its headquarters in the family-oriented town of Martinsburg, Pennsylvania, Corcoran produces durable, practical boots for the American people by American people. We take pride in the fact that the best boots available are carefully crafted by Corcoran, firmly entrenched on American soil. Corcoran is proud to provide footwear that keeps our troops prepared and equipped for the job. Today we’re even more proud, and thankful that these same troops come home safely in our boots.
Directory for Footwear.

Carolina Boots - Men's Shoes>>> - Women's Shoes>>> - Sandals and Flip Flops>>>
Personal Care
Earthley, Columbus, Ohio: At the heart of what we do is our commitment to producing 100% clean, natural products. We don’t (and won’t) use any compromising ingredients. Everything on our labels is recognizable, because it’s all about using whole and unprocessed plant materials. This allows us to produce remedies and body care that are extremely safe, as well as extremely effective - for the whole family. Directory for Personal Care Products.

USA Made Store - Beauty and Skin Care Products >>>
360 cookware
Photo is from 360 COOKWARE, WI, here are some words from the owner:
There are so many things to worry about in this world; let 360 take away one of them. Trust the American-owned, Hand Crafted in the USA, Green-Manufactured Cookware that is 360.

- Patriotically Yours, Bryan Hurley, Owner. Directory for Cookware.

360 Cookware - USA Made Store>>>.

Bags & Purses
Duluth Pack photo
Duluth Pack, MN is proudly the oldest canvas and leather bag and pack manufacturer in the USA. Continuously since 1882, Duluth Pack has blazed the trail for manufacturing quality outdoor gear in America. Highest-quality premium American made canvas and leather outdoor gear.

Directory for Accessories.

USA Made Store - Purses and Bags>>> - Tote Bags>>> Backpacks>>>

Giorgi brothers american made furnitures
Montana Woodworks® is the single largest and most trusted manufacturer of handcrafted rustic furnishings in the nation. We manufacture all of our log furniture items in our own factory here in Northwestern Montana. This ensures a very reliable supply chain. Directory for Furniture.
Go to Montana Woodworks Store>>
USA Made Store - Outdoor Furniture>>> - Indoor Furniture>>>
electronic products produced in the USA
FORLOH, Stevensville, Montana: They have you covered with Outdoor Gear that features the latest fabric innovations, and industry-leading designs, all 100% sourced and made in the USA. Directory for Outdoor.

Men's Tops - Pants and Outdoor Gear

Women's Outdoor Clothing - Swimwear
Youth Outdoor Clothing

american made tools
CHANNELLOCK is based out of two facilities, equaling a total of 260,000 square feet, in Meadville, PA. With more than 350 full-time associates, They are among the largest employers in Crawford County, PA. Directory for Tools.

Go to USA Made Tool Store>>>
Garden Tools Made in the USA >>>

2020 Chevrolet Corvette produced in USA
Step2, Streetsboro, Ohio: The largest American manufacturer of preschool and toddler toys and the world's largest rotational molder of plastics. It’s our mission to be the leading innovator of children's products that build imaginations and enrich the family's celebration of childhood. Directory for Toys.
USA Made Toy Store >>>
usa produced harley davidson
East Fork, Asheville, North Carolina: We create pottery with care and intention, rooted in community, celebrating those who make it and those who use it. Stock your shelves with our collection of ready to ship pots. Directory for Kitchen.

SHOP USA Made Tableware>> Flatware>>
Food - Drinks
saddles made in the usa
Legacy Food Storage, Utah: Emergency Food - Best tasting and the most superior quality products currently available. We are 100% committed to providing these high quality items at the best prices online. Directory for Food and Drinks.

Go to USA Made Store - Buy Legacy Emergency Food>>

Support American Traditions Buy USA Made

american made silverware
american traditional jeans production
american traditional shoe production
american furniture maker
USA Made Store provide Links to USA MADE Products. You may search for products you want to buy that are made in the USA, ONLY.

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